Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Haupt, Paul

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Edition of 1892.

HAUPT, Paul, educator, b. in Gorlitz, Germany, 25 Nov., 1858. He was educated at the Gorlitz gymnasium, at the University of Berlin, and that of Leipsic, where he was graduated in 1878. He was private tutor at the University of Göttingen in 1880, professor of Assyriology there in 1883, and became professor of the Semitic languages in Johns Hopkins university, Baltimore, Md., in the latter year. He introduced the principle of the neo-grammarians into Semitic philology, and discovered the Sumerian dialect in 1880. He is an associate editor of “Hebräer,” and author of “Die sumerischen Familiengesetze” (Leipsic, 1879); “Der keilinschriftliche Sintfluthbericht” (1881); “Akkadische und sumerische Keilschrifttexte” (1881–'2); “Die akkadische Sprache” (Berlin, 1883); and “Das babylonische Nimrodepos” (Leipsic, 1884).